The Reiki Chart

The Reiki in France and in the World is in danger! Thank you for taking action now.

Reiki Usui is taught and practiced more and more, all over the world, and is now, more than ever, in full expansion. The word Reiki is almost part of everyday language. Despite this, it seems that there are still people who do not know what Reiki Usui is.

We are a diverse community of Reiki practitioners. Despite this diversification, we are dedicated to keeping Reiki practice unregulated in France and around the world so that people can practice Reiki openly and respectfully, according to their preferences, without a single perspective having control.

I present here Reiki Usui in a few words, clearly separating what it is from what it is not. This text is a Grand Open Letter - a Manifesto.

If this description of Reiki practice makes sense to you, please sign it and join our community. No money will be asked for and we will keep you informed from time to time.

Please also inform your Reiki students and friends to join us and sign the Reiki Charte, as many as possible.

By signing, you will fill in the various fields with your contact information, but only your first name, the first letter of your last name and the country will be visible. The rest of your contact information will be completely invisible and inaccessible to site visitors (your contact information will never be given, exchanged, sold, etc., to anyone).

The primary purpose of the Charter is to "officially declare" that the signatory aligns himself with a common ethic and state of mind. It is as if you were saying, "I understand, accept and respect these criteria and description. The Reiki system I practice - although it may be different in form - aligns with these criteria entirely in substance and spirit."

The secondary goal - if any - is to be able to show through a very large number of signatures, what Reiki really is, to any person or institution.

You can download the The Reiki Chart logo and display it on your website: it is free and to facilitate your access, it is in different formats.

The Reiki Chart is available for any Reiki Organization or private Reiki practitioner in the world, who needs help in a similar situation.

Thank you for joining us on:

Reiki is...

- Reiki is a technique or an energy system created in Japan by Mikao Usui (1865 – 1926)

- Reiki presents two basic aspects: the energy aspect and the spirituality aspect

- the practice of Reiki is based on the principle of using vital energy, a basic principle in the Chinese medicine and the Ayurveda medicine (both being several thousand years old), in martial arts (karate, ju-jitsu, judo, etc.), as well as in practices such as aikido, tai-chi, qi-gong, yoga, etc.

- the characteristic that renders Reiki unique among all these techniques is the fact that the energetic capacities are transmitted via a protocol named initiation (or Reiju in Japanese)

- every person, without any exception, can practice Reiki after having received the Reiki initiations

- a Reiki practitioner is a person who has received the capacity of using the Reiki energy through a protocol of initiation carried out by a Reiki Master

- the initiation is done according to an energy protocol applied by the Reiki teacher, identical for all his/her students

- a Reiki practitioner is a channel for the Reiki energy

- any person can become a Reiki Master

- a Reiki Master is a person who has received a complete training, who has received the corresponding initiations (or Reiju), and who has reached the level of teacher

- the term Master is simply a title used in the same sense as in any other discipline: the person having reached the highest level of skills in the specific field and having mastered its art is a Master

- Reiki is a totally natural technique

- the practice of Reiki brings about a general well-being, at all levels of the Being

- the practice of Reiki brings about more relaxation, reduces stress, mental and emotional clarity, etc.

- the practice of Reiki on ourselves (by self-treatment or by sessions received from a Reiki practitioner) makes available to our body all the vital energy it needs. The generally accepted principle is that a high level of energy is beneficial for the person, while a low level of energy, to which are added disturbing elements of the daily life, creates the basis for easier and more rapidly developing illnesses

- the beneficial effects of the Reiki practice often trigger a “chain-reaction of well-being” that will stimulate the self-healing process

- when a person gets well, it's because in one way or another, she has triggered her own self-healing process, regardless of the method used

- whenever a healing occurs after Reiki sessions, it is thanks to the person herself who has used the Reiki energy in order to trigger his/her own process of self-healing, and it's not thanks to the practitioner

- the Reiki practitioner accompanies the person receiving the Reiki sessions along her/his own path 

- a Reiki practitioner or teacher does not judge and does not express judgemental opinions on his/her clients or students

- a Reiki practitioner/teacher, remains humble under all circumstances

- the Reiki practitioner limits himself to observe if the client needs energy and on which part of her/his body. The practitioner will use the Reiki energy according to these observations 

- the Reiki practitioner will always encourage the person receiving a Reiki session to consult her/his own medical doctor or the specialist of her/his choice

- Reiki is a complementary technique compatible with any other therapy, including the allopathic medicine

- In many countries such as the USA, Great Britain, Spain, Germany, etc., Reiki has become a full-fledged complementary therapy and is largely introduced in hospitals

- Reiki is recommended by many medical doctors in European countries as a complementary therapy

- the spiritual aspect of Reiki is represented by the Five Reiki Ideals (also known under the designation of the Five Reiki Principles)

- the spiritual teachings of Reiki are based on the following indications: think by yourself, you have your own discernment, you have your own free will, you are a co-creator, act now, you are the sole Master of your life

- the purpose of the Reiki practice is to feel better and better, in the body, the spirit and in the heart

- through the practice of Reiki, the quality of our work increases therefore reaching a higher level of professional satisfaction

- Reiki has a beneficial effect on the quality of our relationship with others (family, friends, colleagues, etc.)

- the purpose of the Reiki practice is to become a better person with each passing day

- given the highly beneficial effects of Reiki, the scientific research of this technique is increasingly amplifying. As an energy/spiritual practice, Reiki presents many parameters which are not measurable scientifically. Even though it is not possible to explain its functioning intellectually, the studies realized show that Reiki has indeed beneficial effects and that they should be taken into account

- an experiment is considered as being “scientific” when it can be repeated at will, under different circumstances, by different persons, and with identical results. This is the case with Reiki initiations. The initiation is therefore a scientific process, even though for the moment it cannot be explained, like many other phenomena of life

- the Reiki training courses and treatments are payable like any other service 

Reiki is not...

- a person who has not received the Reiki initiations cannot be considered as a Reiki practitioner, even if the form is similar (doing laying on of hands)

- a Reiki practitioner is not a meditator who transmits his meditation to the client

- meditation is part of the Reiki practice, but Reiki is not a meditative practice

- a Reiki practitioner has no particular powers

- a Reiki practitioner never establishes a medical diagnosis 

- a Reiki practitioner is not a healer (the healing doesn't depend on him)

- a Reiki practitioner does not promise healing (not even implicitly)

- a Reiki practitioner never gives an advice regarding an illness, its diagnosis, the medications and/or the remedies that the person should take

- a Reiki practitioner does not express an opinion on the therapeutic choices of the person receiving the Reiki session

- Reiki sessions do not replace the allopathic medicine, and/or the medications or any other therapy and its remedies

- a Reiki practitioner or a Reiki Master do not replace a medical doctor

- a Reiki practitioner does not prescribe medications or remedies

- no substances are used during a Reiki session, be it internally or externally

- the title of Reiki Master does not imply a degree of knowledge, of wisdom, of intelligence, of spirituality or of exceptional qualities

- a person who has not received the initiations specific to the Reiki Master/Teacher level cannot be considered as a Reiki teacher, even if the person can present a certificate in that sense

- a Reiki Master who doesn't present his/her Reiki lineage, openly and systematically, cannot be considered as a Reiki Master

- there is no dogma in Reiki

- there is no obligation in Reiki

- there are no obligations or teachings in Reiki that would limit a person’s freedom

- there are no practices or teachings attempting at replacing a person’s current beliefs

- Reiki is not a religion

- Reiki is not a branch or a sub-branch of a religion

- Reiki presents no characteristics of a sect or a sectarian behaviour

- there is no central or pyramidal organisation in Reiki

- there is no central leader in Reiki

- no regular financial participation is required in Reiki (except for training or for Reiki sessions)  


Nita Mocanu



They have already signed the Reiki Chart :

2p61ja ?. HZJLN3
Antonia A. UK
95lvvnr Ã. AAPAXKNY
80780e Ã. 0IN3D6
Erogi1 Ã. CUZEFM
Wv9yow Ã. NVGZI5
Ycm9x7 Ã. E44QMT
Cristian B. RO
Christelle B. FRANCE
Mélanie C. FRANCE
Leah D. USA
Camelia D. ROMANIA
Sébastien D. FRANCE
Radulescu D. ROMANIA
Walter D. USA
Louise G. FRANCE
9qss0r H. XWKLFB1
Hs=88286711e498244accf381ecfde1be4d<div style="display:none;"> H. HS=88286711E498244ACCF381ECFDE1BE4D<DIV STYLE="DISPLAY:NONE;">
Lifticariu L. ROMANIA
Sasha O. US
Alexandru P. ROMANIA
Florin cristian P. ROMANIA
Razvan alexandru P. ROMANIA
Corneliu P. ROMANIA
Wallier R. SèVRES
Irina ioana U. ROMANIA
Francoise V. FRANCE
Georgiana V. FRANCE
Xxy179 Ã. Q8Y044
Xxl8k5 Ã. 0O2V01
Pod4yb Ã. Q0FE6U
Tna4vb Ã. 938MPI
04bpuo Ã. 1TXPV3
Btib2h Ã. C4RYVQ
5e0ogg Ã. ZY5S1K
40n5jc Ã. 4U40X0
S0dgez Ã. LSZFPA
Gsfn6b Ã. IK57GH
Osh6j6 Ã. JTY91N
Upju11 Ã. AIMQ7P
Z43pwv Ã. 59WSGJ
3nkni1 Ã. 9OGFIZ